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Chinese translation for "the lodger"


Related Translations:
lodger:  n.寄宿者,房客。 take in lodgers 接受房客[寄宿者]。
lodgers:  寄宿者
bedspace lodger:  位住客
the veiled lodger:  带面纱的房客
speakers landlady and lodger:  女房东和房客
the producers:  制片家
the servant:  墙内墙外
the secret:  疯劫
the faithful:  信友
the jerk:  开心大少
Example Sentences:
1. "how dare you then," said the lodger .
2.At his command , " bring in the clan , " andy departed to go the round of the rooms for the lodgers
他一声令下“把那伙人请来” ,那两人便到各个房间去叫人。
3." come here , you impudent rascal , " was the lodger ' s answer as he re - entered his room
“进来,你这个莽撞的流氓! ”在他重新回到他的房间里时,他来了这样一个回答。
4.Rge therefore heard for the first time that the lodger s name was lucien ; still , as he was the very perfection of a door - keeper , he made up his mind not to tell his wife
5.The author concludes that the various sta ' tes have adopted a prudent attitude towards the operation of retrial system by restricting the causes for its initiation to a few occasions and the lodger of such appeal to the grieved party only
6.When the aliens lodge in the resident ' s home of kuiwei district , the lodger or host must carry the lodger ' s valid certificate to local police station to apply and fill in the temporary accommodation registration form , passport , certificate and the host ' s residence booklet within 24 hours of lodger ' s arrival
7.Article 31 when an alien lodges at a foreign institution in china or at the home of an alien in china , the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall , within 24 hours of the lodger ' s arrival , report to the local public security organ with the lodger s passport or residence certificate and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation
8.Article 31 when an alien lodges at a foreign institution in china or at the home of an alien in china , the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall , within 24 hours of the lodger ' s arrival , report to the local public security organ with the lodger ' s passport or residence certificate and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation
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